In Vedic astrology, the zodiac is divided into 27 Nakshatras or constellations, each covering a span of 13.20 degrees. These Nakshatras are also known as lunar mansions or constellations, a concept that finds its roots in ancient Vedic texts. According to Hindu mythology, the 27 Nakshatras are the daughters of King Daksha, and the Moon is believed to be married to all of them. The Moon spends approximately one day in each of these constellations, resulting in a lunar month of about 27 days, corresponding to the number of Nakshatras.
The Nakshatras are categorized based on various attributes such as their ruling deity, owner, gender, caste, and species. The Nakshatra in which the Moon is positioned at the time of birth is referred to as the Janma Nakshatra or birth star. Furthermore, these Nakshatras are divided into four quarters called Padas, each spanning 3.20 degrees and linked to the Navamsa chart. The placement of planets within these Padas is studied for detailed astrological predictions. Each zodiac sign contains nine Padas in total.
Nakshatras serve several important functions in astrology. They are crucial for determining the starting points of Dasha or planetary periods, which divide time into major and sub-periods. Additionally, Nakshatras are used to select Muhurtha or auspicious timings for significant events.
Based on their qualities, the 27 Nakshatras are grouped into various categories, each corresponding to specific types of activities:
Favorable Activities: These constellations are ideal for activities that require stability and long-term commitment, such as planting trees, purchasing property, or constructing buildings. They are most auspicious when they fall on a Sunday.
Favorable Activities: These Nakshatras are favorable for travel, purchasing vehicles, and gardening. They are especially auspicious if they fall on a Monday
Favorable Activities: These Nakshatras are associated with activities that involve destruction, such as demolishing structures, setting fires, or engaging in confrontations. They are most powerful when they occur on a Tuesday.
4. Kshipra (Swift) Nakshatras
NakshatraKetus: Ashwini, Pushya, Hasta
Favorable Activities: Ideal for commercial transactions, taking loans, educational pursuits, and travel. These are particularly auspicious when they fall on a Thursday.
5. Mridu (Tender) Nakshatras
Nakshatras: Mrigashira, Chitra, Anuradha, Revati
Favorable Activities: These Nakshatras are best for forming new friendships, enjoying pleasures, romance, dance, and the arts. They are most auspicious when they fall on a Friday.
6. Tikshna (Sharp) Nakshatras
Nakshatras: Ardra, Ashlesha, Jyeshtha, Mula
Favorable Activities: These constellations are suited for intense actions such as legal matters, black magic, or spiritual confrontations. They are most potent if they occur on a Saturday.
7. Misra (Mixed) Nakshatras
Nakshatras: Krittika, Vishakha
Favorable Activities: These Nakshatras are favorable for activities such as worship, fire ceremonies, and buying furniture or electronics. They are most auspicious when they fall on a Wednesday