Importance of “Shree Yantra” for taking Advantage from Stock Market Boom and Recession


In today’s economy, stock market boom and recession play a special role.

While smart bulls and bears take advantage overnight and simple businessmen are ruined overnight.
Due to this, the stock exchange has special importance.

While all this forms the basis for understanding large-scale speculation, it also inspires the businessman to take the right step at the right time through spirituality, i.e. God’s grace.

Shri Yantra has been worshipped in India since time immemorial by good householders and worshippers of Lakshmi.

Even today, businessmen of different states assess their business future with the help of “Shree Yantra” or “Lakshmi Yantra” or “Kuber Yantra” etc.

“Shri Yantra” is considered to be the main yantra among all the yantras and if it is duly engraved in gold, copper or silver metal with Beej Mantras and purified and perfected in the auspicious time and then by worshipping it, it gives the desired result.

If the traders take stock while boom and recession in business and do their work smartly, then they get profit even during recession.

If a person is going through a bad planetary phase and he deals in stock market and recession is going on, then such a trader should first get a big size “Shri Yantra” installed in his house or shop or business establishment. After that, as per the instructions, “Shri Yantra” should be worshipped every morning and evening.

If he not able to worshipped it himself, then he should get this work done by a capable Pandit, after that, if he does business keeping in mind as the time flows he will never incur loss.

If good planetary phase is going on with proper understanding and a person with religious thoughts works with “Shri Yantra” Sadhana, then it is like icing on the cake.

Ordinary devotees should make these Shree Yantra in copper plate and get them established for daily worship. Afterwards, worship with devotion and chant mantras every day. This relieves all the troubles.

The fruit of seeing the Shri Chakra which has been duly consecrated and worshipped every day is great.

Those who worship Bhagwati Tripursundari can get both enjoyment and salvation.

This yantra is also called Yantra Shiromani. If it is a Sunday on the day of Deepawali, Dhanteras, Navratri, Basant Panchami or Sankranti of Paush month, then worshipping this yantra is considered to be especially fruitful.

ऊं ह्रीं षोडश्यै नमः ।

ॐ श्री मात्रे नमः ।

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